I Want To Register My Business On Google

To jump straight to the point you need to add your website to Google Search Console which was previously called Google webmaster tools.  Keep in mind you still should create a sitemap and crawl it so you start showing up in search.

I Registered My Business On Google, Now What?

To actually obtain customers or clients from Google goes way farther than just registering with Google.  So even though “I want to register my business on Google” is a great start it isn’t going to magically fulfill your hopes and dreams.

Evaluate Your Website After You Have Registered With Google

After we start an evaluting we find: Your meta descriptions are blank and you only have 5 reffering domains…

it’s almost like you don’t want to be found on Google. But I see you put a lot of time and thought into those H1 tags.. You’re directory listings are ..uhhhh somewhat alright…. Not complete but they definitely took some time to do.

So I know… I know you want people to find you….  To find your business…. You just don’t want to invest the money. That’s ok though …I’ll show you SEO has the largest return over time… We will get get you more business!  Including first page rankings and you will love us!

You will love us because you will acquire more revenue and phone calls than you have ever had before …. and deep down…. That’s what you really want….. You may have made some bad choices and possibly even hired a terrible SEO company previously  … But I’m going fix that. ….I’m going to fix your business & you.

Your Business Journey Starts Here





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